
Alta Coffee Roasters
City: Arlington, MA,
About Us
Our mission: to source and roast exceptional, artisanal, specialty, coffee beans. Providing to our
customers excellent, sustainably procured, prepared and packaged coffee beans to enjoy.
We are focused on sourcing and roasting top quality coffee beans for our customers to enjoy
using their preferred brewing method. Our products include roasting and seasonal lines of
single origin coffee as well as an espresso blend.
customers excellent, sustainably procured, prepared and packaged coffee beans to enjoy.
We are focused on sourcing and roasting top quality coffee beans for our customers to enjoy
using their preferred brewing method. Our products include roasting and seasonal lines of
single origin coffee as well as an espresso blend.
To accomplish the sustainability side of our mission, we are focused on being as close to zero
waste as possible. We are utlizing only recyclable bags for our beans and compostable
alternatives to single use plastic/paper products. We are also offering a ‘Bring your own vessel’
program, where we offer a $1 discount per 12oz fill if a customer brings their own vessel.
Additionally, we donate $1 per 12oz sale of our Whipple Hill Espresso Blend to The Ocean
Cleanup, a non-profit focused on preventing plastics from entering the ocean from rivers. The
Ocean Cleanup also runs operations cleaning up the Garbage Patches in our Oceans.
To accomplish the sourcing side of our mission, we are utliizing various importers in the US that
operate directly with farmers and COOPs in Africa and South America to validate, procure and
import coffee beans. These importers assist in the validation of quality as well as certifications
held by farmers, such as Organic, Fair Trade and Rain Forest Alliance, etc.
To accomplish the roasting side of our mission, we are roasting in small batches of no more than
8kg at a time. This allows us to focus on high quality roasting while also keeping our inventory
as fresh as possible. We are utilizing a 12kg, Diedrich IR-12 Roaster to roast our beans in.
waste as possible. We are utlizing only recyclable bags for our beans and compostable
alternatives to single use plastic/paper products. We are also offering a ‘Bring your own vessel’
program, where we offer a $1 discount per 12oz fill if a customer brings their own vessel.
Additionally, we donate $1 per 12oz sale of our Whipple Hill Espresso Blend to The Ocean
Cleanup, a non-profit focused on preventing plastics from entering the ocean from rivers. The
Ocean Cleanup also runs operations cleaning up the Garbage Patches in our Oceans.
To accomplish the sourcing side of our mission, we are utliizing various importers in the US that
operate directly with farmers and COOPs in Africa and South America to validate, procure and
import coffee beans. These importers assist in the validation of quality as well as certifications
held by farmers, such as Organic, Fair Trade and Rain Forest Alliance, etc.
To accomplish the roasting side of our mission, we are roasting in small batches of no more than
8kg at a time. This allows us to focus on high quality roasting while also keeping our inventory
as fresh as possible. We are utilizing a 12kg, Diedrich IR-12 Roaster to roast our beans in.