

Bee Balm
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About Us
A Plastic Free Planet
Will it ever happen? Sadly, probably not. From electronics to health care to travel to food production, plastic is too deeply ingrained in our way of life to hope that someday the world will be completely plastic free. However, there are countless areas in our day to day lives where we can reduce our use of single-use plastics, reuse plastic products we already have, and recycle what we can’t reuse (or transition to using a recyclable product). Personal care products often use low quality, single-use plastics that are destined for landfills and oceans, so we thought that sounded like a pretty good place to offer an alternative.

Bee Balm has three goals:
1. Prove that a natural product in compostable packaging can exceed the quality and user experience of conventional products.

2. Raise awareness for the massive quantities of plastic (both recyclable and non-recyclable) being used in everyday products, and help consumers understand the impacts of their choices.

3. Benefit the bees. Many of us are familiar with terms like 'colony collapse' and 'climate change' and know that these will likely affect our global food supply in the not-too-distant future. To help fight this, Bee Balm will annually donate 5% of profits to organizations working to restore and protect pollinator populations.